Monday, June 8, 2009

Fun day at the park

My parents were here around Memorial Day and we had a picnic and played at Audrey and Em's favorite park, Silver Lake.
Group shot, of course without Wrigley looking...

Another group shot in the car.....

Audrey playing with Wrigley in the train...

Wrigley really liked the teeter totter type of thing they have.....I don't know what else to call it!!!:)

Isn't Audrey looking so much older???


  1. Looks like fun! We haven't been to that park in a LONG time!

    Cute pics!

    Yes, Audrey is looking old.

    Are you going to VBS next week?

  2. Very fun pics! Audrey is looking so much older!

  3. Wow...isn't it CRAZY how big they are getting! ARe all our kids the same age? 2 kids in is this happening!
