Tuesday, September 8, 2009

3rd Grader

Audrey is doing safety patrol this year. They help the kids cross the busy streets before and after school. She has been excited for this resposibility..

Audrey has been more than ready to go back to school. It's hard to believe she is the oldest at her school and will be moving on to Central next year....

First of all I do not know what is wrong with my camera but I am realizing how all of these pictures I am posting tonight are blurry...I might have to start saving up towards a new camera....
It's so hard to believe Audrey is already in 3rd grade. She had a good first day, although I couldn't get much info out of her!!!!


  1. Looking so grown up! How exciting to be a crossguard!!!

    Hope you have a great year, Audrey! See you Sunday - at church and HC rehearsal!!! :)

  2. Such a grown up job to be a crossguard Audrey--we know you'll do great!
    Grandpa Shane and Grandma Debbie
