Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Big 2 Year Old!!!

This was another of Wrigley favorite Elmo Christmas Presents!!!
Of course an Elmo Bday Cake.  As you can tell it was made of 1/2 chocolate cupcakes and 1/2 white.  Wrigley only had a couple of licks and had no interest.  They were yummy!!!
Cheese...It's so hard to believe my baby is 2!!! Time goes so quickly.  I am so blessed to have him.  He is still a very cuddly, snuggly boy.  I often feel like he is glued to  me!!!  Audrey and Emerysn still love him to death and are very helpful, most of the time.  He is starting to get more of a mind of his own though and gets mad if they are overbearing!!!!  He is very busy, busy and I am so pooped after my days with him!!!:)  He loves his chocoloate milk...he can't get enough of it and lately the first thing he says when waking up is "chocolate".  I don't think the girls were introduced to chocolate milk this young, but oh well.  I figure there are worse things.  I love bedtime when I rock him and sing.  He is starting to try to sing more songs with me and also always asks for "more books".
He just got potty trained around his Bday.  I took a 4 day weekend and he didn't leave during those days at all.  My parents were also here and that helped.
I was leary for a long time and kept wondering if I should give up, but now he is 100% trained during the day and I am so thankful.  The girls were closer to 2 1/2.  He hasn't had any accidents the past week.  His new thing is he wants privacy when pooping and tells everyone "out".  Don't you wonder where they learn these things so early?????
He says new words each day.  I can't imagine life without him.  I feel so blessed to have my 3 loves!!!