Thursday, July 15, 2010


My dear friend Sam brought the girls to the Tri to cheer me on.  That meant a lot!!!This was a before pic...
My least favorite pic after getting out after the swim
Audrey with my friend Mona and I after.  Mona is the one that has inspired me to do these tri's.  She completed her first one last year
Girls and I after!!!
Post picture of me and my 3 coworkers who completed with me.....I had a great feeling of accomplishment and can't wait for the next one next month!!!!


  1. WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! That is awesome that your girls can watch how your hard work payed off! AWEOME MOVE! You have inspired me! You look so great. Keep it up!

  2. Whoo-hoo! You are so awesome! Love the pics! How fun to have the kids there to cheer you on!

    and Welcome back to the blogging world!
