Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow Day

Tuesday was a snow day as we got around 5 inches of snow. The girls attempted to sled down our yard, but it didn't work well.

Then I helped them make a snowman....or attempt to. The snow was too powdery to roll the balls and it ended up being just a big pile....we still added grapes for eyes , a scarf, and a carrot nose.

Audrey with snowman. Emersyn got too cold and wasn't out long. Instead she watched from the door and handed us grapes and carrots!!!
Wrigley slept during all of this.
Then we made chocoloate chip cookies. Audrey made me feel good when she said I am so glad there was no school today so we could do all of this fun stuff with you mom.
Wrigley and I stayed in our PJ's all day. Couldn't have been better!!
The girls delivered some cookies to our neighbors across the street as he has surprised me twice by snow blowing our driveway. I have felt like he answered a prayer. I thought I had someone lined up to do it and he never followed through. I do now however have someone to call if needbe. If the neighbor continues to help, I thought I'd send them a gift card . For gas maybe???Any suggestions???


  1. Love the snowman! And what great memories!! Too fun!!

  2. Time and love are really all our kids need - so true! Thanks for reminding me of that! I feel bad now that I didn't help my girls with their snowman! :( I was a wimp and stayed inside with Lukey (even though he was napping, too!)
