Thursday, December 4, 2008

On a lighter note

My computer is making me mad as it still won't upload my pics.

So, anyhow...sorry for the previous post....sometimes I just have to let it out.

I just wanted to talk a little about Wrigley. He is changing so fast and growing up too quickly. His new tricks are he loves to waves...will wave non stop...he will give you five....and he claps.

He is INTO pulls things off shelves he can reach...smushes his fingers in doors....OOOPS... and every time I go to get him out of his crib now his is up on his knees.

He is sooo much fun...and so busy!!!!

He currently has his fourth ear infection and next week we are going to ENT to hopefully get tubes. I am hoping for this month since we've already maxed out our out of pocket for the year!!!!!! Also, they are going to check out his tongue and he might have to have his frenulum cut a little. The part that holds your tongue underneath...he is slightly "tongue tied" and can't move his tongue up and down much. This might be why he struggles with some more solid type foods. This is a minor procedure and would be great to get them both done at once.

And officially 2 days ago I am all done nursing him. This was hard for me to give up..but at the same time I feel much more freedom. I can now sit and enjoy my lunch at work and not sit in the little pump room staring at 4 walls!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now my next task is to get him to sleep through the night. He does for Troy but is always up twice for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little Stinker!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm officially done, too! Yahoo for freedom! Maybe he will sleep better now with just a bottle at bedtime?

    Take care, my friend! Hope to see you soon!
