Sunday, August 2, 2009

Missing Kiddos

Just putting out some pictures of my three greatest blessings...These weekends without the kids feel like they drag on forever....I am missing them desperately and can't wait to pick them up after work tommorrow. Emersyn is my little buddy. She is so clingy and wants my attention a lot still which I will treasure as I am sure it won't last too much longer. She can say the funniest things. I can't believe she is going to Kindergarten.

Funny face....I could not imagine my life without Wrigley. He has brought me so much joy along with all the sorrow this past year. I couldn't ask for a more loving, happy little boy. Lately I pick him up and he just wraps his arms around my neck and hugs me. My other favorite thing is when he pats my back.

This was Audrey pretending to be me!!! She has on an old pair of my glasses and my work Nametag!!! I thank God for Audrey all the time. She helps me soooo much with her brother. I feel so blessed to be the mother to these 3. I can't believe she is going into 3rd grade. Audrey is my sensitive child, but is so caring and loving. This summer she has enjoyed reading a lot which I am so thankful for!!!

THANK YOU GOD FOR PUTTING THESE ANGELS IN MY LIFE!!!!Not saying my children are perfect angels by any means, but they put so much joy into my life!!!! I absolutely hate these weekends away from them and hope that it will some day be easier.......I truly treasure my time with them and am thankful I can work a little less to be with them more during the week.


  1. I love catching up on all your pics! I've been thinking about you a lot today since I saw you at church. You are such a good mommy and I'm sorry you have to be apart from your kids. I know God has a special plan for you to ease this pain.... it just may take a while to find it.

    Love you my friend!

  2. I'm sorry Keri. But I love all the pics!! They are soo cute!!

  3. I'm so sorry Keri! You have beautiful children and you are going to have so many wonderful years with them! God knew what he was doing when he blessed you with Wrigley. That little guy is going to be one man in your life that will never crush your heart. He may put a few cracks in it time to time....but he is yours forever. I'm so glad that you are able to love this time with him even though life has been so hard. Keep your focus on Him and your three blessings....clarity will come! Thinking of you and we will talk soon! nic

  4. I never wanted to be away from you when you were a baby. I cannot imagine how terribly difficult life is for you,Ker. I wish I could remove all the pain and difficult moments in your life. God is with you and will always be and someday he will bless you abundantly. It is in the most difficult of times that we gain the most. Mom

  5. You are a beautiful Mom with beautiful children. They are very lucky to have YOU! I will have to remember your sentiments every time my kids drive me up a wall! Our kids are so precious, and you are learning in a special way how that is true. For sure, you won't waste away your valuable time with them. Be sure to take care of YOU, too! Love you, Keri!
