Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

I hope all of you Have a very Blessed Holiday.  Cherish the family time you have, you never know when that can be taken away from you.

As I sit here in a dead quiet house, I am trying to count my blessings and not sulk to be alone this day.  I won't lie, it's going to be a hard day...but I am hoping to keep busy.
I think I am going to join some coworkers at a movie this afternoon.  I have had a couple of invites to friends for dinner, but not so wanting to do that.  I know they have extended offer to me, but I don't want to impose on their Christmas time.

So, looking back over the past year especially here are my blessings
1) I have a beautiful house and have been able to maintain that stability in my children's lives.

2) My 3 beautiful, healthy children.  I can't imagine life without them.
Audrey: is becoming so mature.  She is a big help to me most of the time....when her and Em are not tattling and fighting!!  She is my quiet one, she is home alone a lot after school, etc and is just growing up so fast.  She enjoys dance, reading, loves singing and piano.

Emersyn:  She is a lover.  Loves my attention.  She also can be naughty at times for attention.  Her teacher labeled her as painfully shy, but I think she is improving as the school year goes on.  She loves playing with her baby dolls.  Intermittently this year has been a struggle to get her to school...she cries not wanting to go.  It seems to be decreasing over time.  She is my emotionally labile child and the one that causes me most concern through this nasty thing called divorce!!!  She is growing so quickly in her reading skills.  She is enjoying being a girl scout this year.  She will re join gymnastics this Spring.

Wrigley: Where do I start?? He is such a momma's boy.  He loves and kisses on me ALL the time. He LOVES snuggling with me in my bed.  He ends up in my bed every night before morning!!!  He loves to be funny and have attention.  He loves Elmo, Little Einsteins, trucks, LOVES Maisy Books.  Thank goodness Santa brought 3 new Maisy books so we don't have to read the same ones over and over from the library!! He loves his sisters and they are still CRAZY about him.  And of course some of the typical boy behavior; he loves to hit and throw.  He spends much time in timeouts due to this!!!  He often tells me "I am his favorite momma!!!"  He knows how to pull those heartstrings!!!  The hardest part is when he cries and wants to stay with me and not go to Troy's.

3) Supportive family. Since my dad's retirement last year, my parents come up more frequently.  They love to help me around the house and their support means the world to me.

4)Friends.  I truely feel God has blessed me with some of the greatest friendships the past couple of years.  Sam and Mona in particular. Sam I met in Divorce Care.  She has 3 boys and it's so nice to have someone who can relate and knows what the single parent life is like!!!!  Mona I met at the same church as Divorce Care in a Women's Bible Study.  She is the one who encouraged me to do ths triathalons.  I can't say enough about these two women who will help me at the drop of a hat!!! I also have many great "older" friends who have supported me also in many ways through the difficult times.  Janet helps me so much with the kids.  She is also a Godsend!!!!

5) I am blessed with a job I truely enjoy.  It couldn't be better hours and with better people.  I have so many great friends at work also.  I enjoy being a nurse and taking care of people.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  I don't have any intent to change jobs for many, many years!!!

6) Health:  I count my blessings that I have been healthy.  I am once again setting a New Years Resolution.  Although I have maintained my weight loss and I keep my motivation of working out (3-6 times per diet has really fallen off track!! I am starting up again the New Year and my goal is to lose 25 more pounds.  I plan to buy a road bike this Spring and train for more triathalons!!! 

7) Almost forgot AWESOME particular, Steve across the street who has snow blown my drive way every time though this 40 inches or how ever much snow we have had.  This is the 3rd winter I have had neighbors who continue to help really means the world to me!!!!  Whenever I thank him he just says "it's really not a big deal", "it only takes me an extra 10 minutes"!!!!
HOPE YOU ALL HAVE  A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!We all have much to be thankful for!!!

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