Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well, I was wrong. Believe it or not!!!! Audrey was not positive for strep not we just wait out this viral illness!!! As long as she continues with the ibuprofen she is good. So, hopefully this passes quickly.

Our house is now going to be quieter as Troy took Ozzy (our cat) to his apartment so he can be with his buddy Cooper.

Ozzy has been urinating outside of the litter box and Troy took him to the vet this a.m. and as my gut instinct was telling is most likely due to the stress he has been going through without having his buddy Cooper to play with.

So, hopefully reuniting them will help him. He has always been a great cat, but I could not deal with him peeing around the house. Since Troy and Cooper have been gone, he had been crying a lot and sleeping with me most nights.

So, pets obviously feel the brunt (SP??) of all of this situation too!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Keri!!

    LOVE the pics!! The costumes are awesome!! I hope Audrey gets to feeling better!! That stinks that she is sick!

    Love & Miss ya,
